Friday 20 January 2012

Thriller Film Pitch Review

Today, we presented our film pitch to the class detailing our objectives and ideas for the filming process. We created a film as if we were interviewing each other an discussed plans for each area: narrative, mise-en-scene, character and setting.

For the narrative, Taylor talked about the main protagonist who appears looking dejected in a small, dark room talking to someone about his story. We drew inspiration from The Usual Suspects and decided to use this scene as present day. The rest of the film would depict the man's story and how he came to be where he is. The story will be about how the man was a scientist who discovered a hidden truth - that global warming is happening at a much faster rate than previously thought. He then investigates into it and becomes hunted by government agents who want the secret to remain hidden.

Ollie then spoke about mise-en-scene. The costumes would be simple, so for the scientist we plan to borrow a lab coat and goggles from the science department. For the present day the man needs to look dejected and as if he's been through a lot so we plan to make him look unwashed and a bit dirty with raggy clothes on. For lighting, we are going to use low-key lighting for the opening scene of the dejected man to emphasize his gloomy situation and turn of fortune.

I talked about the characters. The man we see first would be dejected and demotivated as he has been hunted down by government agents and caught. This would contrast to his flashback where he is seen as being highly motivated and enthusiastic about his quest. He is also a very courageous character as he is one man taking on a bigger, stronger force that is the government. Other minor characters would include the man the scientist is speaking to at the beginning and another scientist, possibly, who helps him in the flashback.

Finally, Charlie spoke about the setting. We decided we would need a small, intimate room for the opening scene to show how he is 'down in the dumps' while low-key lighting is used to emphasize this. We decided on of the smaller classrooms or offices would be fine for this. Another location we need is a laboratory where the scientist will run experiments to test his theory, which we thought we could use a classroom again with props or one of the science prep rooms. Lastly, we need a library where the scientist discovers this secret. We could use the school library or just a computer room and use a few books as props to replicate this.

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