Wednesday 4 January 2012

9-Shot Analysis

In the first two shots here, we can see the match-on-action of a door opening, as the first shot shows the handle being turned while the second shot shows the door opening and people walking out.

In the third shot, a long shot is used which shows the drug-user's perspective. The costumes of these people show that they are antagonists as they are wearing dark colours which suggests an evil capacity while the masks hide their faces which means their emotions can's be read. This also creates an enigma as we wonder what/who they are, which is a common convention of the thriller genre.

The fourth and fifth shots show another match-on-action of the syringe being dropped. The fourth shot shows the syringe leaving the drug-user's hand, while the fifth shot shows the syringe hitting the floor.

The sixth, seventh and eighth shots show our shot/reverse/shots and demonstrate our understanding of the 180-degree rule. The sixth shot is an over-the-shoulder shot looking at the antagonists while the drug-user speaks, the seventh shows the drug-user while the antagonists speak and the third is the same as the sixth but the antagonists have disappeared. This creates another enigma and also creates tension as the viewer wonders where they have gone. The 180-degree rule is demonstrated here as the camera always stays within the 180-degree arc.

Finally, in the ninth shot we can see where the antagonists have gone as they appear directly behind the drug-user.

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