Thursday 26 April 2012

Progress Update

In today's lesson, we continued to edit our film - which was very nearly complete. After we realised the music was too tense for the start of the film, I looked to find a piece of music that held an ominous quality but wasn't as dramatic as our current soundtrack. I managed to find a piece called 'Quaker Underscore' - again I made sure it was un-copyrighted - which was exactly what I was looking for. The piece used repeated motifs to build tension and so held an underlying, ominous tone - which would reflect what was happening in the film as the student suspects there is something but is not entirely sure what. However, in contrast to 'The Ruler' (our existing soundtrack), it didn't climax and so wasn't as dramatic. 'Quaker Underscore' was mainly composed of electronic samples  - which reflected the technological aspect of our film.

So, after finding this piece of music, I set about putting it into our film. I was also able to overlap the end of 'Quaker' with the start of 'The Ruler', which created a smooth transition between tracks and, hence, was able to build the tension more greatly in the second half of the film. This was followed by 'ducking' certain parts of the track so that dialogue could be heard. And that concluded our film which was complete. We plan to use tomorrow's lesson to go over it, finely tune it, and make the transitions as smooth as possible.

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Progress Update

In Friday's lesson, I started to put the soundtrack I had found into our film. Although very rough, the soundtrack immediately made a huge difference and made the whole opening a lot more tense. However, we thought that the tension was possibly too great for the start of the film as the character doesn't know about the theory yet. This tense music did fit the shots after his discovery though, as he rushed to test his theory. We planned to look into this in Wednesday's lesson.

After realising the soundtrack was too tense for the start, we set about putting the tense soundtrack into the second half of our opening (after he reads the computer file and makes the discovery). We also had to overcome a small issue where a transition near the end of our film refused to work. After realising that it was the overlaid text that prevented the transition, we had to edit the length of our title.

Thursday 5 April 2012


Here, are the voiceovers I wrote for our film. These help to link the different scenes together.

"Have you ever been in a situation where you read something that could change the world forever… well, I have." - This links the interview scene and the scene where he finds the document, while the rhetorical question engages the viewer and builds tension.

"What I saw shocked me… and would change everything… but I had to be sure…" - This links the close-up reaction shot when he sees the top-secret document, and explains why he runs out (he wants to test this theory).

"My suspicions proved correct… but what could I do?" - This links the laboratory scene, with the shot of him walking down the corridor looking exasperated and unsure of what he can do, while the rhetorical question shows the man's doubt in himself.

Soundtrack for our film

I looked into finding some music to accompany our film. I started to look for un-copyrighted music that we would be able to use, while I felt the music needed to have a fast pace and build gradually to reflect the building tension in the film.

The song starts off with an elongated violin sound before a solid drum beat is heard. The drums get faster and tense, strained violins in a minor-key appear to create an ominous tension. The music then stops completely, creating an anti-climax, before a fast violin sound that raises in pitch grates against the listeners nerves and puts them on edge.

I felt this music created the right sort of tension for our film without making it seem too amateurish.