Friday 23 March 2012

Progress Update

Friday, 23rd March 2012
Today was our last day of filming, and overall I think the filming process has gone smoothly. We filmed the last shots - ones which will link the different sections of narrative together - while we also re-filmed the shot of the scientist leaving the building, where he then looks into the sky as our shot from 21st had an issue with the sound. We will now start to edit our footage together as we are currently on 4 minutes of footage - double our limit.

I will now look for some music that we can use to add tension to our film.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Progress Update

Wednesday, 21st March 2012
The group and I felt that today was a very productive lesson - we were able to finish the scene in the library, start and finish the scene in the lab and we just have a couple more shots to film, so we are very much on schedule - as it gives us a few hours to edit the material. Charlie and I also resumed editing what we have already and now have a rough copy of the film.

While filming the scene in the lab, we managed to get a science technician to make some dry-ice which gives the scene a much more realistic feel. We also managed to film our time-lapse scene - which shows the scientist working on his theory - by slowly panning over the area and then fast-forwarding in the editing process. Once we really start editing, we will tidy it up and it should look very convincing.

We also filmed the scientist leaving the lab, by tracking him as he walked out before the camera goes past him, assuming the role of a POV shot, and then looking at the sky - where the film title will appear.

We also have managed to produce a rough copy of the film by putting the clips we have so far in order. We still have some shots to film and the editing needs precision and tidying up, but we do have a rough copy so we know vaguely what the final copy will look like.

Friday 16 March 2012

Progress Update

Friday, 16th March 2012
This week, we have continued to film - managing to finish the first scene and start on the next shots. Progress has been steady, although once we became more comfortable with the camera we were able to speed up the process. We also managed to find some new interesting shots - such as a close-up of the chair falling - when we ventured off the shot-list.

We plan to continue filming, while we have started to do a rough edit in order to establish which shots work and which need to be either re-filmed or deleted.

Saturday 3 March 2012

Progress Update

Friday, 2nd March
In Friday's lesson, we filmed our first scene - where we see the scientist looking distraught and disheartened while he speaks to a cycnical therapist.

After sorting out what we would do and how to portray the situation of each character, we set about creating the the first scene. This process was made a whole lot easier due to the fact that we had created a shot list and so we were able to follow what we'd written and it ran very smoothly.

Progress Update

Wednesday, 29th February
In Wednesday's lesson, we tied up all the loose ends that needed doing before filming could begin. We then had enough time to sort out our 'dolly'. We would need this to shoot the pan around the government agent before he leaves his 'secret information' on it. The dolly would eliminate any bumps or shakiness that would be created if we filmed it hand-held. We decided to keep it simple and use a wheely-chair that we could mount the camera on and push it round the agent.

At first, we put the camera, which was on a tripod, onto the chair. However, the tripod did not sit flat on the chair and so a wobbly image was still produced. This led us to put the camera directly on the chair, however the camera was too low. Finally, we found that the best way to do it was to sit someone on the chair and physically push them around. This eradicated shakiness and bumps while creating a smooth panning shot.

Progress Update

Over the last few weeks, our group has prepared to start filming the opening of a thriller film.

We have discussed costume and decided that in the first scene my character is a therapist so I should look smart, therefore I will wear a skinny tie and an overcoat. This will give the character a calculated, sophisticated look which emphasizes the difference in social status between the therapist and the scientist whose life has been turned away and looks very scruffy.

In the following scenes, we go into the scientist's past. Therefore, we would need a scientist's costume for the scenes where he tests his theory and a suit for the government agent who leaves his work for the scientist to find.

We also created a prop and setting list. We realised that we needed tumblers, desk items, a briefcase, a computer and science equipment In terms of setting, we decided on one of the school science labs, the school library and one of the small media rooms as an office for the first scene.